Thursday, February 26, 2015

Spring Cleaning

First, the ground hog sees his shadow, secondly, the snow-covered ground starts to thaw, so what does that mean? Spring is here, so say adios to frigid temperatures and annoying snow.

There is a reason that Spring Cleaning is such a cliche word in western cultures.  Spring is the best time to clean!  That especially applies to your chimney.  Everything needs to be cleaned and kept up to par, but many fail to neglect my favorite part of the house, the chimney!

You may ask why I am so persistent on getting your chimney cleaned in the spring.  Why?

Here is 10 Reasons to Get your Chimney (sweep) Cleaned this Spring:

  1. Winter is the season most homeowners utilize their chimney.  And the longer you leave your chimney left uncleaned, the harder, and more expensive it will be so bring it back to normalcy. 
  2. Most companies are busy in the fall so downtime in this industry is relevant during the Spring Season
  3. The unpleasant smell of a used chimney and creosote build up.
  4. With subsequent chimney use, the creosote is reheated and can ignite, causing a fire up inside the chimney.
  5. In 1978 some 40,000 chimney fires in the U.S. caused $23 million in damage.
  6. According to fire officials, 98% of all chimney fires are caused by a build-up of creosote.
  7. Two dangers lie in chimney fires. One the chimney fire itself, and secondly, if there are cracks inside the chimney wall. This could cause it to spread to the rest of the house. 
  8. It's always fun getting your errands done in the spring time rather than winter.
  9. Rates are cheaper during spring time.
  10. You will be all ready to use your chimney come fall time!

Hope I could help out a little bit today!



Tuesday, February 24, 2015

First Post

Ladies & Gentlemen,

Allow me to introduce myself.  My name is Nick.  I am what you would call, a "chimney enthusiast."  I enjoy everything about chimneys.  Ranging from brand new installations, to legendary and antique chimneys.  Regardless of age, price, color, or manufacturer, I don't discriminate ;) .

Furthermore, from here on out, I will be posting anything and everything useful about chimneys.  For example, I will post articles and information that include do-it-yourself (DIY) lists and videos from many chimney experts in this specified niche. Additionally,  I will recommend certain products and companies. and which ones to stay away from.

And if you have any questions, you have reached the right blogger.  Need advice on which parts to purchase?  Unsure if your chimney cap will fit?  Need a reliable chimney sweep and clean?  Looking for reliable company to install your dream chimney?  Ask me! I am your guy!  I am thee Chimney Guy!

On that note, I will leave you with a funny and subject appropriate joke:

What did the elder chimney say to the younger chimney?

You're too young to smoke!

