Monday, March 9, 2015

Chimney Dampers

The process of selecting a chimney cap can be confusing, but the truth is that if you have an active chimney, you should have a chimney cap. Chimney dampers allow you to close the chimney flue when the fireplace is inactive. Closing the chimney flue is ideal to prevent heated or cooled air from escaping the home through the chimney. An open flue is an invitation for inefficient climate control and adds additional problems, due to prolonged exposure of the chimney to the elements.  Closing your chimney flue not only keeps your heat or cold air inside, it also cuts back on your electric bill.  And who doesn't love cutting costs on their power bill?

Furthermore, a chimney cap can actually help the performance of your chimney. Even if you don't live in particularly windy area, wind can still affect your chimney's draft. Strong gusts can cause the draw of your fireplace or stove to fluctuate rather than remain at a continuous, steady rate. This can cause downdrafting, a serious problem where the smoke from your fire is being blown back down your chimney. Installing a chimney cap can block some of the wind and help your chimney's draft remain constant.  And more importantly, it will prevent dangerous leaks and fires, providing an extra layer of protection for you and your loved ones.

That's all for today.  Enjoy your Monday, it will be over before you know it!


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